Friday, January 1, 2010

Pink Pig

A few weeks ago, we participated in the Elkins/Staples family tradition of going to ride the Pink Pig. This is our 4th (I think) year of taking the kids to Lenox Mall to ride this Atlanta tradition. The ride is a little cheesy and you can visit last year's blog post to get all of the details, but the kids look forward to this evening every Christmas. Andrew, Morgan and Zachary love that they are now big enough to ride the ride without sharing a seat with their parents.
After the ride, we always head over to The Varisty for a delicious dinner of hotdogs, burgers, onion rings and fries - or as Morgan calls them, fry-fries. It never ceases to amaze us how much food those kids can consume when we go there to eat. I fear when they are teenagers.