Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vacation Bible School

This past week, Zachary went to Vacation Bible School at Marty's parents' church. He had a great time. Marty's brother's 4 kids also were able to come this year as well, so the Elkins family was well represented this year. Here's a few pictures of their performances and the cookout afterwards:

This picture shows the boys (Zachary is in the pink and white stripes, Camryn is in the navy shirt and Tristen is right beside Zachary hidden behind the director's head.) The boys were all in the same class this year. It was difficult to get a good picture of any of the kids from this angle.
Heather and Alyssa are on the front row on either side of the director's head. They were in the older grammar school group.

After the service, the cookout commenced in the church's backyard. There was a moonwalk and a hay ride for the kids as well. We had a difficult time getting Zachary out of the moonwalk.