Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Georgia Aquarium

For the last month or so, we have been borrowing a camera from a friend of Marty's. She is an awesome professional photographer (you can check out her work at and has given us lots of great advice about cameras. We both know we want a new one, but are not exactly sure of what to buy. She has highly recommended the Cannon XOS camera and the Nikon D40 for their dependability and ease of use. We were borrowing her D40.

Her are some of the wonderful photos taken with this camera at the aquarium. We never realized how different the camera is from what we were used to until we saw these photos.

Hopefully after our other bills are paid with our tax returns, we will have enough money to be able to buy one for ourselves.

What beauty. God makes some of the most amazingly beautiful creatures. Hopefully, we'll have more pictures in the next few months from our new camera. (hint, hint, Marty)