Saturday, July 19, 2008

Swim Party

We went this afternoon to a Sunday School swim party at the Crozier's house. We had a great time hanging out with great friends. There were about 45 people squeezed into their backyard. Here's a couple of pictures from the afternoon...

Robbie, Russell, Brent and Marty have invented a game that I think is called "Throw the ball on the roof and see who catches it while still in the pool." Yes, it is a dumb as it sounds. But - it entertains them for hours. Robbie, Russell and Marty couldn't wait for the kids to get out of the pool so they could play a game this afternoon. For the record - Russell won. Five times in a row.

Farrar, Ethan and Zachary enjoyed playing in the hot tub for much of the afternoon. It was very attractive to all of the kids because eveyone could touch the bottom. Unfortunately, it is only meant for three or four at a time. At one time, I think I counted eight trying to swim there. It didn't seem to bother any of them.

Melanie, Micah, Amy, Maria and Kelly found a cool spot in the basement after a wonderful BBQ dinner - thanks Otto's dad! It was great letting the dads keep up with the kids while the moms relaxed for a while.

Thanks Croziers for letting us use your pool. We've got to keep you around as honorary class members so we can use your pool again next year!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Zachary's Big Day

We got a bicycle from a coworker of mine a few years ago for Zachary. It came with everything a little boy needs for a bike - except pedals. We forgot about the bike for the longest time. In fact, for Christmas, Zachary got a bike (with pedals) and absolutely loves it. A few weeks ago, Marty's mom pulled the bike out of her basement and Zachary has been begging us to get pedals for it. There are training wheels tucked away in the basement, but we never bothered to put them on since you can't ride a bike without pedals.

This afternoon, we stopped at a bike shop in Buford and splurged on a $10 pair of pedals for Zachary to have for a bike to keep at his Granny's house. Little did we know that the first time he got on it he would drive for over 50 feet. I took a couple of quick videos of his first day riding a bike without training wheels. Now we have to get him to try the bike at home without training wheels.

We were so proud of him when we saw what he accomplished. He made us bring the bike home to show off to our neighbors. They were also very proud of our boy. Give him another week or so and he'll be asking for a ramp...

Zachary and McKinney's Mischief

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon with the Crozier Crew, Walker and his peeps and the Segraves family. (You don't know them. They don't blog. :)) We had a good time playing in the pool and cooking out for dinner. It is always lots of fun to get together with these great friends.

At the end of the evening, McKinney and Zachary decided to go out front and ride the Gator. They had been out there for a little while when I came out and they decided to tell on themselves. I had no idea what they had been doing, but luckily I had the camera with me. This is too funny.

The next part is even funnier. (You may have to turn your volume up a little bit.)

Russell had those boys so confused. It was great. On the way home, Zachary asked me if they really made the paint come off the bumper. I couldn't help but laugh.

Guess we know what Marty and Robbie are up to today... (Russell - your yard will look great when they're done!)